About Us

Who We are

The O'Fallon Church of Christ Family is made up of a variety of people, each seeking to grow and use their talents for the Lord.  We are a church family striving to restore the heart of simple Christianity, in the way we live, love and worship.

Our faith rests in the Word of God rather than the traditions of men.  Our strength is found in our relationship with a loving and just God through the power of His saving grace made known in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

our worship

We have a personally engaging worship experience.  We practice congregational singing and communion is offered to anyone in attendance.  Our preaching minister will deliver an encouraging message intended to challenge as well as inspire.

Child Care

Our assemblies are child-friendly!  However, sometimes children can get bored or upset and parents may feel the need for a more private setting.  We have a room prepared with parent and child in mind.  Just off the Lobby is a nursery / quiet room complete with family restroom, changing stations, toys, and rocking chairs.  The service is live streamed to this room, so parents can follow the service while attending to their child's needs.

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